My first blog post. Pressure’s on. And I’ll be honest with you, I’ve got nothing. I’m not much of a talker in the first place, so I’m going to be making an effort to update here regularly. But if you stick around, I promise to keep it up.
I will say, I find myself doing a lot outside of my comfort zone these days. First of all, going independent scares me to death, and I don’t mind telling you that. I’ve always had a steady paycheck. And I like routine….getting up, having my coffee, getting ready for work, and my commute to the resort. But as odd as it sounds, as soon as I got a look at the logo that the good folks at Hook created for me, I calmed down. The scariness turned into excitement. I knew they were perfect to create these few little webpages that were going to define me and tell world what I have to offer. I’ve worked with them for just a year now on projects for Wild Dunes, but they’re good people and spot on at what they do.
And my friend, Frank, whose images cover my site and just make your mouth drop. He and I have worked together on photo projects for about 10 years now. He’s hands down one of the best photographers I’ve worked with. We’ve done a lot together for Wild Dunes – rooms, golf, tennis, couples and family experiential – you name it. And he also shoots editorial for the likes of Condé Nast Traveler, Travel + Leisure, and Garden & Gun (a favorite of folks in the south). Besides that, he’s a neighbor, my hubby’s hunting buddy and a great friend. So when we sat down to look at images for my site, don’t you know I got excited then?
As nervous as I am about this step, there’s also a comfort that comes in knowing I have a lot of friends in the industry whose first words to me on hearing I was starting my own company were, what can I do to help? And I think that’s my main goal here. To do what I’ve always done – try to find good people to work with. That makes for a good routine.